Queen Elizabeth II
From the box:
“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.” – Her Majesty The QueenBarbie® celebrates the longest ruling monarch in British history. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, whose extraordinary reign has seen her lead with an immeasurable devotion to duty and a life of service. Princess Elizabeth II with the world gathering to watch her coronation on 2 June 1953. Upon taking the throne, The Queen became Sovereign of the United Kingdom, 15 Commonwealth realms and Head of the Commonwealth, serving as a central figure and leader through pivotal and historical moments. Celebrating 70 years of service, Queen Elizabeth II becomes the first British monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee.
Her Majesty has celebrated four jubilees and several important milestones, each event reinforcing the monarch’s role and unifying the nation in celebrations, reflection, and community. Inspired by one of The Queen’s most iconic looks, Barbie doll is dressed in an elegant ivory gown and blue riband adorned with decorations of order. A stunning crown and matching accessories complete her regal ensemble.THE QUEEN’S PLATINUM JUBILEE 2022
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The Queen Elizabeth II doll comes wearing a floor length, white on white flower patterned, waist-ed satin gown. According to Robert Best, the head of the design team:
“The gown is not a copy of any one dress she wears, but rather a gown inspired by the style and color of gown that she’s favored in royal portraits of herself for the past several years. If you look at those portraits or how she dresses for important events, she very much has a signature style and look – always a very simple design in white or ivory, which makes sense given that she must then wear all the accompanying jewelry and sash as befits her rank.”
Across the front from the left shoulder of the dress is a royal blue sash/riband decorated with Royal Family Order medallions. The pink from her father, George VI and the blue from her grandfather George V. The red cross badge is for the Order of the Garter and the one at the bottom of the riband is the George IV State Diadem, which is a blurred version of Queen Elizabeth’s showing St. George the Martyr on horseback slaying a dragon.
The tiara/crown is a replica of the Queen Mary’s Fringe Tiara which was handed down from her grandmother and mother. it was worn by then Princess Elizabeth on her wedding day to Prince Phillip and loaned to daughter Princess Anne and granddaughter Princess Beatrice on their wedding days.
The doll seems to represent Queen Elizabeth II at different stages of her life. The petite Made to Move body looks like her physique as a very young woman, the face reflects the strong features of a middle aged leader, and her hair is gray and styled as she wore it as a senior. There is no doubt looking at the doll that it is Queen Elizabeth II.
The face is painted with bright blue eyes, minimal eyeliner, tan eyebrows, and red lipstick. The rooted gray hair is full, short and curled under.
In addition to the official replica adornments, the crown jewels are represents by silver plastic necklace, bracelet and hanging earrings. On the hands are white gloves (really mittens) and on the feet are simple, wide heeled white pump shoes.
The box is clear on three sides for displaying and is a replica Buckingham Palace throne room according to Packaging Designer Sal Velazquez:
“I was heavily inspired by Buckingham Palace, researching and understanding the context of different rooms inside the palace. I quickly noticed how much art and ornate gold foliate elements exist within the palace décor. I really gravitated toward depicting the Queen inside the throne room, as I thought the Queen’s throne and the red carpeted room with gold elements depicted royalty right away.”
The Gold Label Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Barbie is only available now through resellers. To get the current prices of the Queen Elizabeth doll use these links. The museum gets a small commission for qualified purchase using the following links.
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