Nelson Mandela
The Nelson R. Mandela celebrity doll portrays him as himself, the first democratically elected President of South Africa South African from 1994-1999. The talking doll was made by TimeCapsule Toys Inc. in 2005. TimeCapsule Toys is the renaming of Toypresidents, Inc. when the company decided to expand their product line beyond Presidents and push the talking action figures as educational toys. Nelson Mandela passed away on December 5, 2013 at the age of 95.
The talking Mandela action figure in his voice says 23 unique and authentic phrases. A button under the lapel of the suit plays one phrase with each push through a speaker in the belly of the doll. Since the phrases are taken from real recordings, some are very clear and some are incomprehensible through the static of the recordings. The 23 snippets of speech are presented below from the inside doll box flap to help with the comprehension. The 3 button batteries (LR44/L1154) are changeable.
To hear the TimeCapsule Nelson Mandela audio track recorded from the doll’s belly speaker (There are only 20 tracks, not 23 like stated on the box, three are really just one track. Play order in parenthesis if you want to read along), click the play button:
Audio Player
From the inside box flap.
Nelson R. Mandela
The collector quality Talking Action Figure
23 unique and authentic phrases:
- (15) I have dedicated my life to this struggle.
- (16) I have cherished the idea of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an idea for which I hope to live for, but know, if need be, it is an idea for which I am prepared to die.
- (1) When the national party came into power, it became clear that we were going to be put under a severe test
- (2) We now began to feel that the time had come for the emergence of a mass organization to go out into highways and organize the masses of people.
- (10) When there is danger, a good leader takes the front line, but when there is celebration, a good leader stays in the back room.
- (20) The Africans require the franchise on the basis of one man, one vote. They want political independence.
- (4) In many respects, out people were in exile, suffered much more than us in jail.
- (3) The significance of the 1976 uprising was that the government actually produced one of the most rebellious generations of African youth. They were very militant. They were very brave. And there is nothing as encouraging to a prisoner that to know that the ideas for which you are suffering will never die.
- (17) Today, the majority of South Africans, black and white, recognize that apartheid has no future. (also segment in another language)
- (19) We are here as fellow South Africans convinced that the system of white minority rule must come to an end without delay.
- (8) If you want the cooperation of human beings around you, make them feel that they are important.
- (18) The negotiation process is completely in tatters. I can no longer explain to our people why we continue to talk to a government which is murdering our people.
- (7) You negotiate with your enemy, not with your friends.
- (5) We say to all South Africans, black and white, this killing must stop. Our pain and anger is real, yet we must not permit ourselves to be provoked by those we seek to deny us the very freedom Chris ______gave his life for.
- (6) Although you have been wronged, for your own peace, you must talk to your enemy and resolve you differences.
- (9) I, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, do hear by swear to be faithful to the republic of South Africa and to devote myself to the well being of the republic and all its people, so help me God.
- (11)The children are the most important asset in the country. For them to be that asset, they should be given the opportunity to develop both their thinking powers as well as their spirits.
- (11) And children must receive education. They must receive love from their parents and their neighbors.
- (11) Children must feel that every day they have gained something new.
- (12) No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated. Every country in the world progresses because it is led by people who have had the privilege and the right to study.
- (13)Throughout the world, there are good men and women who are concerned with the greatest challenge facing society today, and that is poverty, illiteracy, terminal diseases like AIDS, like cancer and so on.
- (14) It seems most strange that man should fear, see that death , a necessary end, will come when it will come. Now men who believe in that, you disappear under a cloud of glory, you name lives beyond the grave.
Including the official Timecapsule Toys(R) Biographical pamphlet.
Covering the Presidents life before and after his service as the President of South Africa and the inclusion of biographical facts and rare photographs.
Includes official certificate of authenticity and serial number.
With the doll comes an adjustable doll stand and a biographical pamphlet. The outfit consists of a contemporary lined medium suit with tiny black buttons, matching vest and pants, white collared dress shirt with gold cuff links(buttons), a real 1/6 blue silk tie, black socks and shoes, and white cotton boxer underwear with the flag of The African National Congress (ANC) on it. The ANC is the Republic of South Africa’s governing political party. All of the clothing is removable and the suit and pants have small snap closures and the white dress shirt is held in place with an elastic strap that runs from the shirt tails through the doll’s crotch.
The doll is fully articulated at the major joints including waist, wrists, and ankles and very easy to pose.
To get the current prices of the TimeCapsule Nelson Mandela talking action figure try these links (it was a limited run and the doll is not always available for sale):
Read the Nelson Mandela TimeCapsule Biographical Booklet in PDF format.
To see the complete list of ToyPresidents and TimeCapsule dolls from Toypresidents, Inc original website in 2008, use this link.
Complete list of Toypresidents, Inc. dolls from 2008. – A screen capture from their website.
To see all the ToyPresidents/Timecapsule Inc. dolls in the Celebrity Doll Museum collection use this link.
Celebrity Doll Museum collection of ToyPresidents/Timecapsule Talking Action Figures.
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